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Because we have a maximum of 2.8 m NBT. And at the moment 500m USDn with over 50m waves behind as br . From these 2.8m nsbt already 2.18m are on the market. So we have 0.58m left to be minted. Try to sell them as a last resort in the case waves goes to zero 🤣

Jaimy- Автор вопроса
Because we have a maximum of 2.8 m NBT. And at the...

This is the problem if security pools where in place you could burn 1 nsbt for 17.32 usd in assets at the moment

So u won't the option to burn nsbt for waves out of the br? Than u really don't get the Idee begibt the neutrino protocol

Jaimy- Автор вопроса
So u won't the option to burn nsbt for waves out o...

You can but there is a even better option this way

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