210 похожих чатов

I have 13 avWAVAX on my wallet that were sent

to me on the 24. dezember. What are those and what can i do with them? 🙂

9 ответов

18 просмотров

What wallet you using ?

avWAVAX is your proof in a tokens of having deposited in Aave avalanche market wrapped avax.

And does it shows the value ?

Luna Leo
And does it shows the value ?

depends on your wallet provider

Fauve - thectrlaltf
avWAVAX is your proof in a tokens of having deposi...

Thank you for the info, I guess I've learnt something today

depends on your wallet provider

I get that, that's why I asked him/hwr

Karim- Автор вопроса

Okay good, be good mate!

Karim- Автор вопроса

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