210 похожих чатов

Disappointed tbh no news about t asset’s, B20 and nfts.

No communication again! December come and passing.

BTCST team please stop the false promising Regarding t assets

If you can’t deliver it doesn’t look good for new investors.

It looks like a rug pull - not saying it is but it look like one.

Regarding t assets which doesn’t look good for BTCST. Risk rewards doesn’t add up with fundamentals.

* ensure t assets has utility ie stacking at 5 - 10% bare minimum at least. Asap!

T assets has a 83% supply which which is bullish! With a Coloration of the original asset sub buy backs speaking of which when will bye back happen? In a crash 💥 or bull market?

Communication to your community with substantial news 📰.

Where is road map?

Not just a pretty picture, b20, t assets straight up fail!

would go well with our community! If you can call communicate I am willing to help with if that if needed. - but due to radio silence! Cant ever see that ever happening.

I said this so many times 6 months ago along with others.

Keep good updates coming with communication and fact’s this will rocket 🚀 the whole eco system.

Personally I have powder on the side ready for BTCST, but I can’t see anything moving in-terms of updates on dapps, peg and b20 happening soon. I will definitely not invest again.

Alex Zhou - if your reading contact me!

Even Admins don’t know what’s going on.

3 ответов

16 просмотров

December has not passed yet.

You still get btc and btcst everyday. So shut up.


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