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@Brucezli happy new year to you Bruce. Question for you..

do you envision any impact on current or future business dealings with organisations in China given their latest ban on crypto?

3 ответов

14 просмотров

Since China has banned crypto already in 2017, we are not surprised that their policy gets clearer. We have a global setup, global team, and global community. We have never actively marketed in China anyways. Therefore, we believe the impact on NKN is very small.

Brigadier- Автор вопроса
Bruce Li | NKN
Since China has banned crypto already in 2017, we ...

It’s hard to keep up with the amount of times it’s been mooted a ban of Crypto but seems this time is most hardline. Good to hear impact of NKN will be small from this but do you think it will also rule out any future expansion ambitions in China particularly until things are clearer?

It’s hard to keep up with the amount of times it’s...

We need to operate in all countries within its legal limits. So I won’t go too far to speculate what will happen in each country. Once the policy changes, we will adapt accordingly. But I think crypto is quite robust: the banning of bitcoin mining in China did not spell doom for bitcoin, just a massive transition and now we are back to all time high hash rate in other countries.

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