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Hello Community, I am serching for the Hedera Hashgraph analysis

that was done by a consulting company ( Maybe PWC or KPMG) some 2 to 3 years ago. Does one of you still have it? Please send it to me.

10 ответов

18 просмотров

I remember what you are asking about. I think it was a PWC report. If memory serves me correctly, the report was an “internal” analysis done for clients etc, rather than for the general public. Therefore, I’m not sure if you’ll find any links to it online anymore. Sorry that I couldn’t be more help.

Parfait-BURUNDI Автор вопроса
I remember what you are asking about. I think it w...

I remember to have downloaded it but don’t remember where it is

I remember to have downloaded it but don’t remembe...

I never saw the whole report but I have some screen shots of it somewhere

Maks Makis
do you consider DAG a competitor to HBAR?)

I haven't heard anything about DAG for a long time. Generically DAG just stands for Directed Acyclic Graph, but I know a Cryptocurrency claimed it as a name.... I think Polkadot is built on a DAG and a few others.

Mozart Reina
Isn’t Hedera also a type of DAG?

Yes of course... A DAG is just a graphical mathematical representation, Leemon Baird's patented hashgraph uses a DAG in combination with his "gossip about gossip" innovation to include information about previous transactions with every new transaction making it possible for each node to virtually "see" the actions of other nodes and thereby infer their "virtual votes"

Maks Makis
do you consider DAG a competitor to HBAR?)

See answers above... The competition for now is not really on technology, there are several high performance platforms with significant security claims. I think Hedera is the best and most honest of them, but that is besides the point. The competition now is adoption and Hedera has huge but quiet real-world adoption but the market pays attention to crypto space adoption where Ethereum leads and platforms like Solana and Cardano have lots of game-like adoption within crypto space... And that kind of game-like adoption has lots of innovations so we shouldn't just dismiss it.... But Hedera's council is second to none and they make a very strong argument for the security, transparency, and decentralization of their model of globally distributed nodes run by large corporations and universities

Crypto Consciousness
See answers above... The competition for now is no...

90% of those Games havent even a Game Out yet. And probably never will have one xD

Crypto Consciousness
Yes of course... A DAG is just a graphical mathema...

I asked about the Constellation project DAG, and you probably thought about the DAG technology)

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