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Just a idea for waves is it possible to make

pools with a governance system in a sc? For example you can put tokens in and let the governance be done by token holders.

Because if my webshop is running I want to reward loyalty to my costumers in a dezentralized way. Putting part of the profits in a sc and the profits to the token holders.

Just a example 10k usdn to the sc and the interest payments go to the token holders. This 10k is actually completely of the market. So basically it's becoming a stock that the creator can't mess with.

4 ответов

10 просмотров

Hello, Jaimy! I got your idea and will transfer it to my Team so that they can discuss it in the near future. Thank you!

Jaimy- Автор вопроса
Edward | WX Network
Hello, Jaimy! I got your idea and will transfer i...

Oké thanks just wanted for people I work with also to have a sort of pension fund because we miss this in crypto.

Oké thanks just wanted for people I work with also...

Would be awesome to have a pension fund on wave

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