209 похожих чатов

A question to CEO Adrian Brink @bigbasher, why are you

so far behind on the roadmap? Where is XFUN, where is a full-fledged casino? where is the sports betting? Why did the FUN token suffer so much in price? Where is the roadmap update for 2022? please answer the questions. Thanks!

2 ответов

16 просмотров

Things are hotting up at FUN 🔥 Learn about all the excited news from the FUN Team in our December update: https://funtoken.io/december-2021-update/

Doc. FUN- Автор вопроса
Things are hotting up at FUN 🔥 Learn about all th...

The latest incineration news is ridiculous numbers. The first burn was 5 million tokens in three weeks of the casino site's operation, and the second burn in three months is not even 6 million. Agree, this is a drop in the bucket, this is very little. We need to develop the project more actively!

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