other/ more secure wallet? Is crypto.com a better place to hold your Raven?
You can hold RAVEN in Atomic wallet. The wallet is secured
you cant transfer RVN into crypto.com. They dont allow for RVN deposits.
What do you mean? Atomic wallet is non-custodial. You own your key to yourself
I just mean that any wallet that use a seed as security can access to your cryptos if you stored them on auch wallet. So if you open a wallet with a seed, you can use it with atomic wallet, exodus or any other wallet that use a seed. Only exception. Ravencore wallet on android. It uses your own language, and if the seed is not in english, you will be able to access your cryptos only via ravencore or atomic wallet. But such seed (with non english words), cannot be used to store anything else than ravencoin.
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