209 похожих чатов

Do we have staking program admin ?? and how many

ILV i need to stake ???

3 ответов

8 просмотров

No minimum


When holding ILV, staking is a way to gain additional rewards from yield farming and revenue distribution. The process for staking is the following: - You acquire either some ILV or some Sushi LP tokens - You go to: <https://staking.illuvium.io/staking/core> - You enter the right pool according to the tokens you acquired - You decide whether to lock your deposit or not (if locked, you will receive more rewards from yield farming and revenue distribution, but you cannot withdraw your deposit until the chosen locking period is over) - After approving the contract (if this is your first interaction with it) you confirm the staking of the desired tokens You can find an in-depth video for staking here: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6YugU4zZr4&t=1s>

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