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Hi team, I mine Ravencoin on 2miners and my rewards

have already reduce over past 3 days is that right ? I though rewards will reduced post halving

7 ответов

15 просмотров


more miners == less rewards per unit of work.

VCP-VCP 🎀 Автор вопроса
JT (q5sys)
more miners == less rewards per unit of work.

Also halving = less reward from 5000rvn to 2500rvn

got it, thank you

lets use some fake numbers to make it clear. If 100 people are mining a coin and they're getting 10 coins per day (out of a total of 1000). if another 100 people start mining there is still only 1000 to be shared... so each of the 200 miners then get 5. When the halving takes place, there is only 500 to go around, so then each of those 200 would get 2.5 coins.

VCP-VCP 🎀 Автор вопроса
JT (q5sys)
lets use some fake numbers to make it clear. If 10...

Yes, looks like more people have joined recently for mining. Again thankyou for your patience and explanation

Yes, looks like more people have joined recently f...

happy to explain. The price increasing has caused a lot of people to move over to mining RVN.

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