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Is there one sided staking of YGG in Okex or


1 ответов

11 просмотров

Hello 👋 you can start earning SUSHI and YGG rewards from the SushiSwap 2x Rewards Farm.Farming here: https://medium.com/yield-guild-games/how-to-yield-farm-on-sushiswap-41eda3160d74 You can stake it On Sushi, OKEx or on the Gate 👏 Please note that YGG is a service token, it is not created for profit. YGG tokens can be used for the following: - Stake YGG for token rewards related to its overall activities; - Stake YGG for rewards related to specific activities; - Stake YGG for exclusive content; - Stake YGG to vote and participate in the DAO; - Stake YGG to subscribe to exclusive merchandise; - Use YGG tokens to pay for services in its network.

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