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Because from my side if grayscale has OTC bought from

the AMP team months ago and it was kept quiet then suddenly twitter is alight with news of Greyscale holding AMP it's no better than insider trading.

It's trying to use the clout of a large investment firm being holders to draw retail in.

We all know what happens when grey scale announce they are into a coin 99% of the time it pumps.. this time nothing? probably because the whales already knew they had bought.

Having a large stake in AMP myself I would hate to think the guys would post that hoping retail would rush in thinking greyscale were going to be snapping up coins from this price when they are probably already positioned in the market.

Feels a little sketchy

3 ответов

13 просмотров

Grayscale did not purchase from Flexa. They either bought OTC or on the open market

The Crypto-Bull Автор вопроса
The Crypto Bull
👍 thanks Man in Black! :)

💪. This question came up in the price chat yesterday and we asked the team. They can’t comment any more than what I said above because they weren’t part of it. Grayscale bought it on their own. So they can really only answer the timing question. / I’m not sure if any of their wallets are tracked on Nansen. Maybe people follow their wallets?

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