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Do we finally have a solution for high fees or

still not?
I cannot even claim my rewards because of eth fees

4 ответов

5 просмотров

Hi there, Jack! Since ETH gas fees are an issue for everyone right now, it's recommended to keep a check here for when it drops: http://whatthegas.com/ - often reduces a little outside peak days / times and also at https://t.me/BancorAlerts for the most recent transactions. Bancor V3 Dawn (coming early Q1 2022 - soon) will introduce a number of improvements to help lower gas fees: https://blog.bancor.network/introducing-bancor-3-962a3c601c25

Jack-CRYPTO Автор вопроса
Carlo AmaZix
Hi there, Jack! Since ETH gas fees are an issue fo...

It's a problem for everybody and that is why most protocols moved to L2 but it seems that Bancor is really slow to make the move. I have funds stuck there for 6 months because of gas fees, even when gas is cheap, bancor transactions are still hundred of dollars.

It's a problem for everybody and that is why most ...

Totally understand your sentiments on this, Jack. Once V3 fully launches which would address gas fees, the plan is for L2 solutions to also be introduced/integrated. Do watch the space here and on https://t.me/BancorNews and the weekly Community Calls for more updates on this.

It's a problem for everybody and that is why most ...

I have 100k+ usd stuck there and I just didn’t make any moves due to the high fees. Pulling the money out would cost me more than one thousand bucks. That’s ridiculous.

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