209 похожих чатов

@MissRose_bot why don't we have a little Joe Biden debate

on lovely inu?

It's a dare challenge.

8 ответов

13 просмотров

Hi please check https://t.me/wazirx_discuss/9365987

Zakaria-Khan Автор вопроса
Zakaria Khan
You are a very pathetic bot.

Just say lovely inu bot response 🤣

Zakaria Khan
You are a very pathetic bot.

Hi please check https://t.me/wazirx_discuss/9365987

Zakaria-Khan Автор вопроса
Mr Robot
Just say lovely inu bot response 🤣

Thank goodness it is lovely inu & not bitcoin. Otherwise, It's gonna be the gruesome war of words.

Mr Robot
Just say lovely inu bot response 🤣

Hi please check https://t.me/wazirx_discuss/9365987

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