209 похожих чатов

Hi as i have lovely coins in past lovely was

delisted now again listed in market ...

Then now tell me ine thing if i have 100 lovely coin b3fore de listing ... but i hadnt withdraw 100 l9vely

Then after re list in market 100 coins shudnt be in my account ?

2 ответов

7 просмотров

hi please check https://t.me/wazirx_discuss/9374976 Please check the official announcement at: https://lovelyfinance.medium.com/merging-of-token-announcement-6594ffb9391e

vishal-bansal Автор вопроса
hi please check https://t.me/wazirx_discuss/93749...

That is ok but if i have 1cr coin then y 32 it shud be 1cr

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