209 похожих чатов

Hello everyone, I want to swp my ocean tokens to FET

but my ocean tokens are still on the BSC and not on ETH.
I can't find any bridge (or they keep 70% of my ocean's for gas fees) and the deposit on binance is suspended.

Someone have an idea ? I don't want to loose 70% of my tokens...


4 ответов

12 просмотров

Hello @lamouchkipet you need to migrate from bsc contract first click on my profile and initiate a DM

Do you have your token on Binance exchange

Popopom- Автор вопроса
James Peterson
Do you have your token on Binance exchange

No I have it on my metamask (on the BSC) The token contrat is 0xDCe07662CA8EbC241316a15B611c89711414Dd1a And I need to bridge it to ETH but I can't find a bridge which support Ocean token on the BSC

No I have it on my metamask (on the BSC) The token...

Hello! Please wait for phase 2 of migration where you can directly swap your ocean tokens from bsc chain to ASI

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