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Will there be staking from Ocean after ASI launches?

6 ответов

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I think we have to wait a bit for that information

Data- Автор вопроса
Lost in Space
I think we have to wait a bit for that information

Alright will not stake on FET then. Want to stake with Ocean ❤️

Data- Автор вопроса
Lost in Space
Well, it will all be ASI

Yes but with Ocean as in staking my ASI in a way where I get ASI rewards from the Ocean treasury and support their products like predictoor and Ocean Market

Hey Data! Great to see you!🌊 That's a cool question, but I don't think I can answer it just yet. Information about staking will likely be available after the second phase. I'm also eager to learn about Ocean staking myself, but I'm not sure how it will be implemented yet. Like earning rewards through staking and then exchanging them for ASI? So, I think it's best to wait until the merger is completed. But just in case, I'll pass your question along to the team😉

Data- Автор вопроса
KreigDK | Never DM first🌊
Hey Data! Great to see you!🌊 That's a cool questi...

Interesting thoughts 🤔 maybe the conversion could happen as part of the staking contract, do you never actually hold the Ocean token. Will wait then :) there is 30 day lock up when staking FET, so I would rather wait for more information from the Ocean team first

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