209 похожих чатов

What is the point you are trying to make? Are

you trying to improve bch I some way or are you trying to be right?

9 ответов

13 просмотров

well, he rewrote people's statement to somehow read like he's right. So, yeah, definitely the latter.

I’m trying to improve you guys. :D

Cheapy-🪐🌭 Автор вопроса

He reminds me of someone… did he say hi when he came in? 😂

Cheapy-🪐🌭 Автор вопроса
Cheapy-🪐🌭 Автор вопроса
He reminds me of someone… did he say hi when he ca...

Do you mean Donnelly? - Personality match ~37% - Modus Operandi match ~53% I don't think that's him. You thinking somebody else, like Amaury sechet? - Personality match ~56% - Modus Operandi match ~67%

He reminds me of someone… did he say hi when he ca...

Oh wait, or maybe you meant nullc (Greg)? - Personality Match: ~77% - Modus Operandi Match: ~93% Seems more plausible.

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