210 похожих чатов

Guys could you move the non FTM talk (as always)

to PM or resp. groups? thx

11 ответов

11 просмотров

My apologies


Possible FTM pathway on 4H chart for price to zig-zag to 4.5 by end Jan... NAF DYOR


Omid currency
2.50 to 2.40 now 😕😕

All things move in waves... impulse -> correction -> impulse -> correction... that's the nature of life... we can spiral upwards... we can spiral downwards... it depends on what we subconsciously really want.... what our hearts desire... so check it on our mental state... let go what we need to let go... keep what we need to keep....

All things move in waves... impulse -> correction ...


4.5$ by end Jan first... NAF DYOR

Ftm 2.38 now I don't think 3$ end jan😏

Omid currency
Ftm 2.38 now I don't think 3$ end jan😏

Can happen within 2 days. But btc and stocks are pant shitting. So who knows.

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