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Could someone do a comparison between ErgoScript and Solidity?

4 ответов

15 просмотров

Ni gas fees in ergo script

I will take a shot at it based on my limited knowledge of the depths of programming languages, correct me if I am wrong,anyone. Solidity is an object based language designed for creating smart contracts on the ethereum network, I believe it was chosen to create a very friendly developer environment, this reduced the barrier of entry for people interested in developing smart contracts on ethereum as object based programming was and is very popular. ErgoScript is a slight transformation of Scala to support and further develop on Ergo, Scala is interoperable with both object based programming and also functional programming depending on where it is used, this eliminates the barrier of entry for projects that require mathematical equations that would use functional programming and also object oriented programming like Java. a simple TL;DR would be that ErgoScript is as interoperable as the Scala language, it is just specific to Ergo (for now).

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