209 похожих чатов

Wanna learn how to scam people? D M m e,

will teach you at no cost

13 ответов

4 просмотра
Vitalik-Buterin Автор вопроса

Many guys have already pinged me, where are others?

Vitalik-Buterin Автор вопроса

But smart people do not click over malicious links, so it's hard relatively.

Vitalik-Buterin Автор вопроса

But with my techniques, you can even target smart people.

Vitalik-Buterin Автор вопроса

But this amount could be increased, with more efficiency, you can multiply this amount easily

Vitalik-Buterin Автор вопроса


Vitalik-Buterin Автор вопроса

This is business sir, it's a skill and i wanna hone other's scamming skill which they are lacking currently.

Vitalik-Buterin Автор вопроса

Even i m not a scammer but i can teach others how to scam

Vitalik-Buterin Автор вопроса

It's better but this could be improved further by mixing different techniques all together

Vitalik-Buterin Автор вопроса

But our target is now to target veterans as well

Ok Combot

Rite Joes
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