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Do the NFTs that you get from completing missions serve

a purpose in the game? I am on 3 separate missions where I assume I will be awarded NFTs that were pictured, I am just not sure how they get used in the game. Thank you!

5 ответов

7 просмотров

not yet but they will have usecases in the missions

Michael-(Never DM First) Автор вопроса
TbL -AlienWorlds.io
not yet but they will have usecases in the mission...

ok, I will just keep collecting them. Thank you for the response.

Michael (Never DM First)
ok, I will just keep collecting them. Thank you fo...

you re welcome ! you can have a read at this article for some more infos :)

Michael-(Never DM First) Автор вопроса
TbL -AlienWorlds.io
you re welcome ! you can have a read at this artic...

Thanks for the article, that was an exciting read. Need to build up now to prepare for everything coming...

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