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Can someone share me anything about fundamentals to come?

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12 просмотров

This batch of documentation and articles describe the latest Celer technology: cBridge • For Celer Network’s cBridge, please read https://blog.celer.network/2021/09/22/cbridge-2-0-coherent-blockchain-interoperability-powered-by-the-state-guardian-network/ State Channels • For Celer Network State Channels, please read this for the most updated information: https://www.celer.network/celercore/ Layer2.finance • For Celer Network’s Layer2.finance, please read this: https://blog.celer.network/2021/02/18/layer2-finance-get-defi-mass-adoption-today-scaling-layer-1-defi-in-place-with-zero-migration/ • ELI5 Layer2.Finance: The Modern Subway of the DeFi City

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