209 похожих чатов

Celer was mainly known for its special Layer2.finance technology, with

unique features that set it apart from other competing projects. But we have not heard from this serious distinction for months. I remember you said you would work on it more, but I would like to get a more detailed answer, as an investor, to know if the project I have invested in will go its own way or take some priorities or issues off its agenda. When will zk-rollup technology come to Celr? And in general, what is the status of the Layer2.finance?

1 ответов

7 просмотров

Thank you for that question. We have not forgotten layer2.finance if that is what you are asking. We are hoping to push out ZK version testnet soon and also a OP version of layer2.finance 1.0. Right now, our priority is on cBridge to get the inter-chain application adoption, but again, we will shift resources to layer2.finance in due time.

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