209 похожих чатов

Can you paint a picture of how your hybrid L2

and cBridge vision will look like in the longer term for the multichain/crosschain space?
Eg., Would Celer help abstract the underlying chains, that dapps could potentially just use Celer and be able to arbitrary select the L1s of their choice as settlement layer? Similiar to how Kubernetes abstract underlying infra?

3 ответов

6 просмотров

I think I answered this already.

Hi, I missed that answer I think, sorry! Did you mean "yes" or did you mean "we do something similar with Celer IM, please read the article about IM" ?

Jens | Will never DM first- Автор вопроса
Hi, I missed that answer I think, sorry! Did you m...

The article ^^ it has some cool examples!

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