210 похожих чатов

If there was a $ 10 million project that was

not listed in any exchange, I would definitely agree with you, but a $ 150 million project with this amount of liquidity and even a one-day delay in paying interest is unbelievable to me.If the development team is a scammer, why hasn't it sold one of the 500,000 units to date?

2 ответов

13 просмотров

Because they likely own a big ol' pile of mining hardware, a massive stack of BTCST that was acquired through the machinations that went on during the split, and the community placated. I swear, other projects get constantly and incessantly accused of trying to scam the investors for such minor oversights or even a simple misspoken word in their tg channel...but a dev team literally has refused to do ANYTHING in more than 6 months yet the kool aid is drunk so much in here a huge segment of the investors speak out to defend such unconscionable behavior?? It feels a bit like a Stockholm syndrome kind of thing at this point.

FARZAD- Автор вопроса
Because they likely own a big ol' pile of mining h...

I'm not worried about you at all, and if there is no problem, it has been removed from Binance by today, the program of this project will be announced at a price of $ 90 to have the best price return, maybe $ 300 is near the end of the season. 🙂 Let me tell you an interesting story. The only project that was able to make a profit without delay was the btcst project

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