Nothing for sure yet… but closed beta supposed to be q1
Dick, I am on the IIP discussion and I see you as "name | illuvimod" ,like all mods. But jeff is | Polemos . I think as a lead mod he should be " | illuvimod" too. Or | council. I don't think it is ok for council member to use their position for a side project that will have its own IDO. It is a liability for illuvium and makes me nervous on my investment. If they suddently decide to rug pull or get hacked (people will tell me then won't, but we would have also though sILV would not be hacked, shit happens) will the DAO again have to reimburse all investors? Those are two different projects and should be treated as such. Can I ask you to share this opinion with the mods an council?
The fact that he is part of the council doesn’t define his position with Illuvium…. @jeffFX0 has been a part of Illuvium probably as long as I have been… a huge supporter and great asset he literally made every gif for Illuvium you’ve seen
I don’t want to get into a discussion, you know I love and support and TRUST you, I just wish to clarify Charles question of potential conflict of admins donning their guild in Illuvium server. Unless that’s a common practice for other guilds and games that I’m not aware of, perhaps YGG does that too.
I don’t see the conflict honestly…. He was with Illuvium before Polemos was even a thing. And in my eyes always been a very fair level headed moderator and asset to Illuvium, that being said I’m not on discord as much but I’ve never personally seen any of the Polemos guys personally advertising Polemos guild… I haven’t really seen it as any issue with any guilds
They have been there before I got that. But they used their position as marketing for a side project. This isn't good not ethical. If they want to spin off a project that fine, but on the ilv server the name of council member shouldn't be publicity for another token to be
All marketing ideas and/or proposals need to go through the DAO, you can use the Marketing Ideas channel on
Should Anton remove 1Inch from his name? Should Kain remove SNX from his name?
Those are existing project they come from. This is very different to using illuvium to push something else. Anyway, both Rahlord and Dick I respect you and won't insist. Was just hopping to get this point of view seen.
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