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When is the single side staking $YFI scehduled for?

7 ответов

10 просмотров

Did you get an answer Frank? I would also like to know this

Frank- Автор вопроса
Did you get an answer Frank? I would also like to ...

Not out yet afaik... Still waiting for it hehe

What do you mean? You can deposit into our yfi vault, which compounds yfi for you.

Frank- Автор вопроса
Dark Ghosty
What do you mean? You can deposit into our yfi vau...

Wait what? Single sided staking is alresdy available!?

Wait what? Single sided staking is alresdy availab...

Uh I suppose? It's the same as any other vault really.

Did you get an answer Frank? I would also like to ...

Sorry just saw this. They haven't said. Late this year is my best guess

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