209 похожих чатов

Hello team. I have a question, i have no more

CPU available. Anyone know how much time need to return to 0 ? Thanks

14 ответов

5 просмотров

stake more wax in cpu

it returns to a lower amount generally over a 24 hour period

DragonYukio /-cc.c.wam Автор вопроса
stake more wax in cpu

I dont have more wax 🤣

Give it 24hours sir

DragonYukio /-cc.c.wam Автор вопроса
DragonYukio / cc.c.wam
If i start at 10AM its reset a At 10AM tomorrow ? ...

If you don't do any transactions it won't display differently until you push a transaction. But it slowly will replenish over a 24 hour period.

DragonYukio /-cc.c.wam Автор вопроса

hence why Robert is about to help you out !

DragonYukio / cc.c.wam
cc.c.wam why ?

https://wax.bloks.io/transaction/595d752101dd0be7f8608e4be7c105efca9c6150c2fb1e1e7555370f855de24f Now you can mine about 30 times a day.

DragonYukio /-cc.c.wam Автор вопроса

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