209 похожих чатов

@Foewilly & @suryakaca007 - can I ask why you don’t

use moonfarm to stake. Is it just because you like using tokocrypto website? I keep going on about it in here but moonfarm is always available a better apr. I don’t understand why people don’t want to use it?

4 ответов

9 просмотров

Oo is it, send me the link lemme see.

i have my own safety reason..

Hetfield-Mcmullan Автор вопроса

Yeah I was the same At the start. I staked on Binance for about 4 months and the staking pool seemed to be unavailable most of those times. So I researched it and came across moonfarm which was fully endorsed by TKO also. I have been staking continually with no lock period earning 3tko a day.

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