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Let’s not talk about the price. If the development team

sells NFTs, I will definitely yell at them. They always sell worthless NFTs. The developer team makes so much money, but the game has no progress at all. I also do game development. Before The article talked about the progress of the game. I really couldn’t hold back my anger. What development tools have been developed for such a long time, shouldn’t the tools be ready when the project is built? The tools are still being made, so the game progress It is conceivable, and now it is not a problem that can be solved by the game release. Sand mana gala made a lot of money in the bonus period of the last wave of meta, and even if BTC fell, there was still a profit of 5~10 times. alice may break a new low, this situation can't change much even after the game is released, a little disappointed

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