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Why doesn't the alice team write on social media? Nothing

has been written properly on Twitter for weeks. What do you want to do. Can you explain? Can you explain? You are doing this to scare people into selling their coins from their hands. Is this how you protect your investor. He doesn't react. Why is he constantly selling teams? Isn't it enough? Aren't you satisfied with money?

3 ответов

7 просмотров

Hello Kartal by social media what is this pertaining to? there has being series of post and events kindly see our ann channel for updates and progress. Please make sure you do not spread falsehood 🙏

besiktas-kartal Автор вопроса
Becks Admin
Hello Kartal by social media what is this pertaini...

What I want to say is that you should use Twitter more effectively. Thousands of people may only be using Twitter. So you should be more active on Twitter. I only follow Twitter. You should also consider that people do not follow every area.

besiktas kartal
What I want to say is that you should use Twitter ...

Okay thanks for your concern there has been some updates probably not upto what you expect but team is on top for a polish up as we progress.

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