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From the open source presentation, the vision of Leemon of

the metaverse was particularly interesting. If I am not wrong he identified 2 ways to go, and was clearly against the centralized model, betting for a decentralized approach based on the existence of many different worlds sharing standards and interacting with each other. But I am not really sure I understood well the role in that metauniverse of Hedera as the great public ledger connected to the many other that could coexist. Why should that be necessary? Was he talking about the benefits of HCS in that context? Those shared worlds should be using the Hedera open source code or could be different worlds using different technolgies interconnected between them and to the Hedera public network?

4 ответов

16 просмотров
Monteleon- Автор вопроса

Thanks; so HCS as a tool for interoperability, right?

Thanks; so HCS as a tool for interoperability, rig...

Hedera Consensus Service just puts transactions (or hashed commits) in fair final order with trusted time stamps. That fair ordering with finality can serve as the basis for interoperability since each transaction across different networks/Swirlds/platforms can be trusted to have happened in the consensus order. Thus no double spends or contested actions.

Monteleon- Автор вопроса

Thanks, so the state proofs that Leemon talked about are the tools for interoperability (not HCS)?

Thanks, so the state proofs that Leemon talked abo...

State proofs are used in conjunction with HCS. State proof provides a receipt that a certain transaction was in fact committed to the network. This is more of a legal document authenticating a transaction (including an HCS commit) for posterity. This is necessary to establish a record of the final state of a transaction, because Hedera itself does not retain the entire ledger for very long (unlike traditional blockchain where every full node saves the entire chain from the genesis block, which becomes a huge file). Because of its finality, Hedera nodes do not need to retain the entire hashgraph, which is good because it will be huge... But mirror nodes can retain the entire history of the hashgraph from the beginning, and probably they will charge fees for access to this history and may reach the point where they only retain the parts required by paying customers, not the entire thing if it becomes too big (think 80 billion transactions per day big)

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