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What is the barrier to selling an NFT a second

time? Ethical values only?

1 ответов

10 просмотров

You can't sell the same nft twice. The second one has a different asset id. What you probably meant is selling a second nft with a link to the same picture. That's only problematic if you didn't announce that there will be another one, before you sold the first one. For example, you could announce the first one as 1/10. But yes, the only barrier is an ethical one in most countries (and the risk of reputational damage). In the future, there might be laws which prohibit such behaviour, but at the moment the buyer has to trust the artist. But trust is needed in art (not only digital art) anyways, because you can never be sure that the seller didn't steal the artwork from his neighbour who creates it in his garage.

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