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Where did mods go? can hedera pay for more mods?

28 ответов

11 просмотров

That’s not the key, it was Hedera’s CEO’s brother calling hbarprice a liar. That was simply not tolerable - so when things get that bad - he decided to close things down. And the community loses, big time.

Tweak896-White Автор вопроса
- Crypto Observer -
That’s not the key, it was Hedera’s CEO’s brother ...

yeah the community shouldn't suffer because of quarrel

Tweak896 White
yeah the community shouldn't suffer because of qua...

The CEOs brother should have taken his concerns to DM - not blasted the strongest supporter of Hedera/HBAR in public, by calling him a liar. Really poor form and handled poorly.

- Crypto Observer -
That’s not the key, it was Hedera’s CEO’s brother ...

He stated "Hedera doesnt support this telegram community in any way what so ever and never has." I asked for clarification. He stated none needed. That is when I said that statement was a lie.

Tweak896-White Автор вопроса
- Crypto Observer -
The CEOs brother should have taken his concerns to...

to be honest, I could care less what they were arguing about, just find it ridiculous they locked the whole group over it

Tweak896-White Автор вопроса
He does not use DM.

We DM regularly, so Im not sure why you can’t? Regardless, I’m sure you will reflect on it and agree that calling HBARPRICE a liar in public, was not the best way to express your frustration. Especially given the ‘heat’ of the last few days. It’s the way it was done/said - and the public dressing down and embarrassment that would have cause the strong reaction. If this was some chump on the internet saying that, I’m sure he couldn’t care less. But when Hedera’s CEO’s brother publically calls you a liar - well that takes on a whole new level of ‘meaning’.

He stated "Hedera doesnt support this telegram com...

Now you can clarify how hedera supported the hbarprice group?

- Crypto Observer -
We DM regularly, so Im not sure why you can’t? Re...

I asked for clarification on the statement. Sorry that he shut down the chat over it but he is the one that wants everything done in public.

Now you can clarify how hedera supported the hbarp...

The clarification should have been "financial support".

I asked for clarification on the statement. S...

I don’t wish to go round in circles with you, I’ve said my piece and I stand by it. It is ‘the way you did it’ that was out of line. Give it to him with both barrels if you want in private… but calling him a liar in public was wrong and not professional. IMHO…

- Crypto Observer -
We DM regularly, so Im not sure why you can’t? Re...

Can't have double standards. He did exactly the same thing to Captain Brando just moments before.

He stated "Hedera doesnt support this telegram com...

Hedera has not supported any TG group I have been involved in since they gave it up 3 years ago. I don't think it was a lie at all. There are consequences to ingoring people and just assuming that the volunteer community will build everything on the network. The wallet situation has been a disaster since day 1. There have been cries for help for years and nothing in response other than re-tweeting the efforts of all the volunteers that have given hundreds of thousands of hours of volunteer efforts to help Hedera.

Christian Hasker and Greg Scullard, both employees at Hedera, frequently contributed, often very constructively to the chat in the previous group, around all types of topics, especially support on technical issues and marketing information. These contributions were invaluable to members looking for support or trying to understand the value proposition of the Hbar token. That constitutes support from Hedera in my view.

Christian Hasker and Greg Scullard, both employees...

Yes they did and that was great. Its was not enough IMO. If you want to know the sentiment, don't listen to me. Listen to all the commumity members that came into all the TG chats or do a surveyt to see see what they say.

As have many of us. But my point is that have two employees monitor the chat of that telegram group and jump in to answer questions from members of the community in their capacity as employees of Hedera, and likely on company time is supportive. To say that Hedera has never supported that TG channel is to deny those valuable contributions. That's disingenuous to say the least from my point of view.

As have many of us. But my point is that have two ...

Hedera long ago pulled out of monitoring these chats for a lot of good reasons. Mannon was administering the price chat just as another community member and I saw no evidence that he knew anything more about Hedera developments than the rest of us. This is a team of high integrity, professionalism, and discretion. You can doubt their vision or process or approach, but everything they've done is well thought-out and above board. It sounds like Mannon got frustrated with the other chat and shut down. Everyone here should understand that these chats are just for fun. They have no connection to or bearing on Hedera or Swirlds. The Hedera "community" does not consist of hodlers and traders like almost everyone on these chats. The "community" is people developing real projects on Hedera, and there are a few of them here. The rest of us are just hobbyists and parasites, hoping to gain something by riding along on other people's efforts. Don't expect Hedera to manipulate the price just because you aren't making the profits you hoped for as a hodler. Let the highly knowledgeable Hedera leadership build the project as they see fit. If you, as a non-Hedera token holder want to promote hbar in order to build up demand and pump up the value of your holdings, you are welcome to do so on your own. @Puliano is already doing that, so you can help him. He's paying for articles.

Crypto Consciousness
Hedera long ago pulled out of monitoring these cha...

Agreed, although I don’t think most people here would want to put themselves in the “parasite” category. I would suggest that anyone that has tried to spread the message of Hedera, whether on social media or in person, should be able to consider themselves an advocate or at least an enthusiast 😉👊

Crypto Consciousness
Hedera long ago pulled out of monitoring these cha...

that guy is wise. totally explains the whole crypto piggybackers/parasite mentality... if you aren't a do'er, stfu, drop the entitlement feeling and have patience. Telegram' always been a toxic place, on any crypto projects I've followed for years.

A holistic view of community takes into account many roles that have evolved from crypto and all of them collectively is what made crypto projects different. Roles can be developers, evangelizers, providing useful feedback to the team, marketers, influeners, content creators, educators, help providers, etc. Many of the concepts that are in place today came from community member involvment. There are always going to be those that do not provide value but realize that anyone that is a community member that spreads the word is free marketing and marketng is expensive. The community deserves recogition & support and not saying its not getting better with HBAR Foundation and some of the latests moves but they did not happen in a vaccum from the team alone, especially when you consider it was volunteer. Just want to clarify and give kudos to everyone who supported this project whether making investments in hbar or other. I have seen more than 5 large crypto communities evolve and this is an important aspect of a new project. In Enterprise software companies of which I have built a few, this does not apply. In crypto, it does and its one fo the things that make it unique. Sophisticated institutional investors know this by the way. Thanks to everyone in this community that genuinely wants to make this project a success!

Here's my Hedera promotion playground: https://seekingalpha.com/user/48023701/comments

Here's my Hedera promotion playground: https://see...

Seeking Alpha has always been one of my favorite platforms. Just my opinion, but I’d put you firmly in the “Advocate” category😁😁👊

Agreed, although I don’t think most people here wo...

I exaggerate for deliberate effect... I include myself in the category... And mean no real insult!

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