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Hi group! I have some questions on the YFI Vault

on Fantom 1- On the WBTC vault it says, for ex, I have earned 10$ but I see that my total BTC asset is the same, so I don´t understand if the vault has the yield in WBTC or stablecoin 2- The same with the DAI Vault. I deposited, for ex, 10 DAI, it says I made 2 DAI of interest but in my total ballance of DAI the number is the same (10 DAI). How can you see the real value of the interest profits? 3- Last but not least, how can you know the real interest you are making? is the APY? Where is the APR? Thank you! (Scammers don´t even bother, I don´t answer DM)

6 ответов

10 просмотров

Good questions


You can check how much yield your vaults are generating at TrackaVault or Zapper. A note that the amount of vault tokens you have will not increase unless you deposit into the vault again or transfer vault tokens to your ETH account, but the price of the vault tokens you hold will increase slowly over 6 hours after harvest is called. That is your yield. Check the usd balance of your vault accounts on trackavault and you will see it increase over time as harvest is called. On withdrawal, you burn the ytoken you obtained to get back your deposit + interests earned - fees. (Harvest can be called as often as every few hours or as long as once a week)

Rodri J.- Автор вопроса
You can check how much yield your vaults are gener...

Ok, but the thing is: where is that yield earned? Cause when I see the vault the total amount (deposit + interest) is the same. Where is the interest that I earned located?

as the message above says you will have the same amount of yvBTC tokens but overtime with harvest they will be worth more that is your yield. Vaults compound in their base token, in your case it's btc.

Dark Ghosty
as the message above says you will have the same a...

dark, curious, whats the longest it can take for a vault to harvest and reflect yields?

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