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I'Ve ran my own node in the past but every

time there's a power outage the node gets corrupted. So I want to run a remote node instead. Which is a good one? I'm not very technically savvy that's why I'm asking. Thanks for your help.

11 ответов

9 просмотров

You have to use the monerod command line switch --db-sync-mode=safe:sync to stop that from happening. It'll make sure the database doesn't get corrupted from power failures.

Cindy- Автор вопроса
You have to use the monerod command line switch -...

Oh ok. Well there's a guy named Nik who's occasionally on there that has helped me before. I've PM'd him a few times with no response. So that's why I'm posting my questions openly here. So it will take approx 3 weeks to download and use the full node again. I also need to delete the x2 corrupt nodes off of my computer, which I'm not sure how to do. Anyway, is there a remote node that anyone can recommend for me to use in the meantime?

Oh ok. Well there's a guy named Nik who's occasion...

supportxmr's node is very stable and responsive

Oh ok. Well there's a guy named Nik who's occasion...

Add --db-sync-mode safe that will help solve your power restart issues For remote nodes use node.supportxmr.com:18081

Oh ok. Well there's a guy named Nik who's occasion...

You might not need to delete the whole blockchain, but just the p2p.info file. For nodes, check moneroworld.com

You might not need to delete the whole blockchain,...

are they remote nodes and wil monerod sync blockchain faster then downloading the default way with p2pool

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