209 похожих чатов

Dear Celer Network, I just read your article about the Open

Bridge Working Group and really liked it. I work as a smart contract developer for TIXL's cross-chain bridge and we would like to collaborate with you and/or join this working group.
Who do I need to contact in order for that?

5 ответов

9 просмотров

Best place to start would be with this form so that the dev team can get in touch https://form.typeform.com/to/RWC0Ihge

Daniel- Автор вопроса
Best place to start would be with this form so tha...

Hey there, I filled out your form but no one got back to me. Not sure what's the next step but it would be nice if you guys could respond to my inquiry. Cheers

Hello, the customer service team did not retrieve your username in the recent form reports, may I ask what contact information you left at the time? Or please private chat me your wallet address for us to retrieve.

Daniel- Автор вопроса
cBridge Support Team Ivan
Hello, the customer service team did not retrieve ...

I work for a company that provides bridge services like yourself. We wanted to join the Open Bridge Standard Group, that is what my inquiry is about. You can contact me here or via email: daniel (at) tixl.org

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