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Would it make sense now to borrow against assets to

buy back luna cheap?!

2 ответов

5 просмотров

I know someone who did this in May and I really wish I had done it then. There was actually a positive APR, so you were getting paid to borrow 😂 it's right around 0% now too. the biggest risk is if luna drops further. you need to have something available somewhere to pay down your loan. check out the docs here https://docs.anchorprotocol.com/user-guide/webapp/borrow

LaytscherNo1- Автор вопроса
Rose🌹 | cosmosrescue
I know someone who did this in May and I really wi...

Thanks Rose I don't really understand the liquidation part though.... 😅 If I have money in anchor will I not get liquidated will it be paid for automatically? I am just afraid of a black Swan event where we see a crazy sell of and people will be liquidated

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