209 похожих чатов

What happened last night for the Frax/Shushi base APR to

drop from 80% to 49%?

8 ответов

10 просмотров

prices move, gauge weights change

J-G Автор вопроса
4 years locked. veMAXI (as a millionaire)
prices move, gauge weights change

Sushi barely moved and FXS moved 10%...how does either of those correlate to a 60% drop in APY?

Sushi barely moved and FXS moved 10%...how does ei...

It was mainly the weekly gauge vote that caused it.

J-G Автор вопроса
It was mainly the weekly gauge vote that caused it...

Please teach me...what is the weekly gauge vote? Are all veFXS holders able to vote? If yes where do we vote? Also where can we find the results of the vote?

J-G Автор вопроса

Thanks. I see the future and now pie charts. Any way to see what the chart was 2 days ago?

Thanks. I see the future and now pie charts. Any w...

Not that I know of unfortunately. I know roughly because I follow it closely but that info would be nice indeed.

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