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What version is commercial grade ready? (serious question)

6 ответов

14 просмотров

Million dollar question (Serious answer)

"Wen commercial grade?" #1question imo. It's when you can comfortably use nano to transfer a few million dollars.... anywhere on earth......at anytime.......to anyone....... *Without the risk of an outside party force spamming the network....clogging it up and tying up your money. It has to be secure and reliable. Once the spamming issue becomes financially unsustainable for criminals and/or competitors of nano..........XNO will be much closer to "commercial grade ready" 👍 Jmo

No. It's currently under control. 👍 It stopped pretty quickly after v.23 went live. But there's still work to be done. You better believe as soon as XNO starts to gain adoption and pick up celebrity endorsements.......a bunch of btc maxis will spend alot of time and money to try and spam the network to death.

ケ- Автор вопроса
No. It's currently under control. 👍 It stopped p...

How will we achieve this celebrity endorsements?

ケ- Автор вопроса

and how does that answer my question?

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