I like to make the comparison with FileCoin. They are currently #1 in the decentralized storage sector (3.6B marketcap vs 220M). FileCoin makes use of IPFS but do a lot less than what SafeNetwork is already doing. Filecoin is basically a blockchain of pointers that point to files on IPFS (3rd party). They check when people allocate space with proof-of-liveliness to ensure some people do share their space on IPFS. It is a simple but limited concept. "There are two main types of miners on the Filecoin network. The first, storage miners, provide storage on the Filecoin network using spare space on their computers. The second type are called retrieval miners. These facilitate the retrieval of data from the storage miners, acting as a link between hosts and clients. For this service they are paid in FIL. Protocol Labs plans to implement a third type of miner, called a repair miner, but hasn’t done so yet." It's a simple check and forward system highly dependent on how IPFS evolves since they have not created the p2p storage solution themselves. Then the "repair miner" is very comparable to what Safe Network calls section splits and the preservance of data integrity/consistency. MaidSafe have written all the code themselves for storage, allocation, retrieving, healing (most important/difficult part!). The amount of potential that Safe Network can integrate is way beyond what FileCoin can do as simple file sharing. For example the sections (elders/adults) can in future also introduce a decentralized computation layer or something similar to oracles (with plugins). If you begin to see the difference in scope you probably also can start to see why Safe Network is taking more time. Good thing is that we now see more stable testnets from what I've read and I notice the devs have become really aware what has to be done and how to do it. A lot of bug smashing, agile work approach, and then move forward to adding new feature. Based on the continuous activity I'd say the project development is more than healthy. On top of that there have been some mini-updates on an erc20 token that is planned to go live this Q1.
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