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What the heck is going on with Aave on Polygon?

There is no way to add collateral or claim rewards and the ongoing rewards have been essentially reduced to nothing. Please help!… No DMs from scammers please. Don’t waste your time.

4 ответов

9 просмотров

Check my message above you Also the rewards for many of the pools have been reduced and some are no longer receiving rewards. https://blog.polygon.technology/defi-for-all-enters-final-phase-with-15-million-for-polygon-native-dapps/

Dean- Автор вопроса
Check my message above you Also the rewards for ma...

Ok. I see the rewards wallet has to be filled and we are unsure on timeframe. I already saw what you posted regarding the publicity for different rewards coming in the future with polygon but this doesn’t explain why all the rewards were cut off on Aave. I didn’t think this was planned until April.

Normally the rewards would have stopped last month, but matic has decided to continue a little longer Phase 2 was planned until 17th januar https://blog.polygon.technology/defiforall-phase-2-polygon-defi-summer-continues-with-85-million-usd-liquidity-rewards-for-aaves-polygon-markets-6189f9c8b79/

Dean- Автор вопроса

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