No minimum in any transaction whatsoever
why all my transaction are failed?
for example
Failed OUT OF ENERGY means you do not have resources (a.k.a. ENERGY) to transact. You need to pay GAS for making transaction just like in any other blockchain. You need around 50 trx for a sunswap transaction. Alternatively, you can freeze TRX to obtain energy to have free gas. Check for trx freeze to energy conversion
okay i before asked what is minimal energy i need for transaction
You never mentioned about energy. It depends on dapps, but on sunswap: 200k-250k energy per transaction man for this transaction how many energy i need?
Keep 50-70trx. I can say how much you really need
i freezed more 170 trx and transaction failed always
Freezing 170 trx can only give you 5000 energy. You can't use 5000 energy for anything
if i decide to move all trx remained on binance from my tronlink i can’t move them, because I need 1000trx only for make transaction?
1. Either you freeze 10,000 TRX to get around 300k energy or 2. Leave 50-70 TRX for burn or 3. You might want to try energy rent sites or 4 You might want to contact guys who are renting out energy for cheapest rates. I just gave you 4 options.
to swap trx in win, how many energy i need?
Go to sunswap to check. 250k energy to be safe
70 trx are 4 dollars every transaction, i thinks it is not cheap is almost like ethereum.
So why not go for alternative?
alternative are 250k energy, almost 10k trx equivalent of 600$. 600$ only for make transaction is much
Those energy rental sites and energy rental individuals charge 300k energy for 25-30trx. There might be much cheaper rates out there.
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