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Sir my question was about when did this change happen? Of

course things can change and it may take longer then expected but an announcement represent transparency.

The answer to my question in my mind is supposed to be like :

On 21 October 2022, team realised their mistake and changed tentative timeline from q1 to spring 2022

And recently,in meeting held on 14 Feb 2022, team decided to write it as this year 2022, as team now think it's more appropriate and accurate

Please note I am asking if you have any dates when these are changed like in above given message as an example message there r two dates ( 21 Oct 2022 and 14 Feb 2022) want to know the actual dates or any estimated/ rough idea about those dates.

Anyways, I will just leave it and wait for further announcement from team.

2 ответов

11 просмотров

We don’t have the exact date and we only have timeline. It was originally spring when we were still going to release the game on steam but that changed to due to their policies. After that we announced that we are going to have our own launcher and it’s scheduled to be launched q1 but it was a miscommunication with the team but as Steven Jim said and we’ve also confirmed with the team, it’s suppose to be this 2022. Making a game with a large scope is not a simple thing to do, so please do understand the circumstances. Don’t worry we will update the community soon and hopefully release the roadmap asap. Thanks

We don’t have the exact date and we only have time...

The roadmap is currently being updated. Please be patient for it.

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