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This chart still in play for 2024 ??

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Does this predict everything for 2024?

MK-2010 Автор вопроса
Katherine Zhao
Does this predict everything for 2024?

Hi Katherine I was told that this chart was basically from trends in the past. I have been involved with Hex since October 2022. Still learning myself. it was explained to me Hex is still pre viral and it has a good chance to hit these numbers because Hex is starting to go viral.

MK-2010 Автор вопроса
Katherine Zhao
Do you believe it yourself?

Like I said . Relatively new to crypto and Hex. I have staked a few times with Hex. So im in it for the long hall. Would be great if these numbers are true . Even if it was half of what they are speculating…. Diversity in investing is always a good thing. We will see ! How about you?

MK 2010
Like I said . Relatively new to crypto and Hex. I ...

These so-called predictions, I believe 30% at most. The other 70 percent I trust myself more

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