210 похожих чатов

I had 1.54 bnb in my wallet for 4 days,

but they let me freeze only 0.9 bnb why?

14 ответов

6 просмотров

You should have BNB in your wallet for 5 days .

mir cardinga- Автор вопроса
MacMohAn SiNgLa
You should have BNB in your wallet for 5 days .

if I started them 3.5 days ago, then they counted those 1.5 days when it was less?

you will get aprox .4-.5 alpine or 40-50cents if my math is not wrong

I think you are right ..I have committed 0.87 BNB ..let see how many token I ll get...may be 0.5 Alphine

Do you know ..when alpine is available for sale on binance ??

MacMohAn SiNgLa
I think you are right ..I have committed 0.87 BNB ...

What will happen with the rest of your bnb committed?? Binance put it back in your wallet?

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