209 похожих чатов

Hello team! Have you guys seen how polygon was mentioned

on the Stephen Colbert show recently? Immediate marketed to millions of people in just a few seconds. If cartesi can do something like that, everyone would know about the project!

16 ответов

9 просмотров

Need polygons approval

yann-leroi Автор вопроса
Need polygons approval

No I mean cartesi needs to be mentioned on a big platform. Everyone is talking about how polygon was talked about on the Colbert show. This alone reassures current investors and almost importantly brings in new investors/money

yann-leroi Автор вопроса

That’s what you call marketing and reaching out

yann-leroi Автор вопроса
They need polygons approval first

What are you talking about? Cartesi needs polygon’s approval for cartesi to be mentioned on a big platform?


Keep dreaming

yann-leroi Автор вопроса

Wth are you talking about? Why would they?

Just take a look around

Dont spread fake information, this is not true

yann-leroi Автор вопроса
Just take a look around

Stop talking in codes man, either you tell your opinion or you don’t

yann-leroi Автор вопроса
Just take a look around

Two different projects, tan by different teams! They don’t need any approvals

yann leroi
Two different projects, tan by different teams! Th...

Depends the relationship between Polygon and Cartesi orgs, that’s sensible information and we won’t have any clue on that.

yann-leroi Автор вопроса
Maxi MB
Depends the relationship between Polygon and Carte...

Sure but at this point we’re making guesses out of nothing. No facts! You even say we don’t know the relationship so what’s that opinion based on?

yann leroi
Sure but at this point we’re making guesses out of...

Hey man, I suppose nothing on this subject, tbh I don’t even care and not my worries at all. I’m just saying that we are not insiders so he could be right and also wrong

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