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Does frax have a plan to utilize the nft in

the solidly exchange? Emmisions starts in under 24 hours

9 ответов

6 просмотров

I don’t think Frax has a veNFT

I don’t think Frax has a veNFT

he's talking about the NFT frax protocol received from Andre Cronje's (Fantom, Solidly, Yearn, etc) top 20 contest, which I also had totally forgotten about until now

I don’t think Frax has a veNFT

We do have a veNFT. We’re one of the top platforms on Fantom and got it with others during the Andre competition.

Sam Kazemian ¤⛓️¤
We do have a veNFT. We’re one of the top platforms...

Has the team voted on the emissions yet? I don't see any votes for frax

Sam Kazemian ¤⛓️¤
We will be very soon (next 24 hours)

Yea, have plans been formulated for this? .. Personally, I'd just sign up with SOLIDEX , they already have curve, ren, geist, multichain, and veDAO onboard. Unless FRAX has more.. Integrated plans? But, I just assumed it would be the easiest path forward to utilizing our allocation effictively without requiring significant time and resources from DEV squad, and I like the partners.. Though, tarot, ReaperFarm, and the others might not be a bad place to be lending FRAX on ftm.

Luke SkywalkeI2
Yea, have plans been formulated for this? .. Perso...

We've been talking to both 0xDAO ($0XD) and Solidex ($SEX) teams about which veNFT coalition we will join. I think one consideration that is important to FRAX is becoming the main stablecoin of that coalition and expanding its offerings from there.

Sam Kazemian ¤⛓️¤
We've been talking to both 0xDAO ($0XD) and Solide...

Hm. Understood. I suppose that would indicate 0xDAO as the more favorable join.. I remember hearing there was a lot of drama early on with 0xDAO that I didnt pay much attention to because id already decided on veDAO, but now im going to have to look into it

Luke SkywalkeI2
Hm. Understood. I suppose that would indicate 0xDA...

I suppose I was just thinking it would likely be easier to deploy things like lending with tarot and work some stuff with liquid driver, reaper, spooky etc. because theyre hungry to grow and FRAX integrations would likely benefit all parties involved's growth on ftm significantly. Taking another look at SOLIDEX: curve, saddle, abracadabra, yearn, multichain, geist, REN and veDAO. Definitely a powerful coalition, imo, mostly all L1 native, but to what degree would they allow FRAX becoming said coalitions main stable coin? Im pretty confident something could be worked out with veDAO's $weve pairing. I could see something or other with REN, maybe some sweet stuff with multichain. But, excuse my ignorance, to what degree has FRAX ever been associated with or worked with Andre or Yearn? We already work with curve, idk much about geist off hand, then theres $mim, which personally I have never been fond of. I advocated vedao to go for solidex because I believed it made more sense for them, and there was some kind of drama with 0xDAO early on that deterred me (working on sourcing that) but I dont recall what it was. At any rate, if the goal of FRAX is integration and expansion on ftm I think 0xDAO might be the best option. Of course, im just thinking out loud here. I'll give it some more consideration. If ANYONE has a much different opinion id love to hear it , truly. Any opinion at all really. Im not anyone of extreme importance, just a FraxiMaxi that likes to conceptualize things and lurk around occasionally voicing my unwarranted opinion lol

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