209 похожих чатов

Hey guys, is there any way to speed up the

process of unflagging? its been already more than 24h since i have been false flagged, could you help please?

6 ответов

9 просмотров

You submitted a ticket?

Zu-Zumbah Автор вопроса
Nicholas- Official Alienworlds support
You submitted a ticket?

yes, of course, this is my second time, i have never broken any rules, never did anything against the rules

Zu Zumbah
yes, of course, this is my second time, i have nev...

It will be attended to sir please sorry for any inconvenience

There are certain activities that leads to getting flagged be clean and your issue will be resolved sir

Zu-Zumbah Автор вопроса
Nicholas- Official Alienworlds support
There are certain activities that leads to getting...

im sure im clean, thats the thing, its frustrating to being repeatedly flagged

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